Good Design

Last night in London I went to the screening of Design Disruptors, I tried to find another screening as I wanted to stay in, but apparently not in London.


The points that stood out for me around design

(1) You shouldn't notice it - which is what I have always believed, that good design means you don't notice the experience. (thought from a branding or financial sense for a company you want the user or customer to remember the experience and the brand. So finding the middle ground on this one could be the sweat spot.
(2) Its a feeling, well lets hope its a good feeling then ; ) though I agree with this point as well.
(3) its a connection with a system - this sounds a little too mechanical  to me, but anyway. Technology for Technologysake drives me crazy. Technology shouldn't define the product or the solution to the problem.
(4) it just works - This I love. Very similar to to number #1.
(5) Its salving a problem

The best design and tips
(1) Is removing a feature
(2) Asks why, why and why again
(3) Have empathy for your users
(4) Facebook have 2G Tuesdays and many of the product people have switched to Android so they can feel how their users use the products